Is Flow a shield against PTSD and Burnout? + Pop Sugar + FirstHuman

Greetings from Morocco, where I’m currently immersed in facilitating our ‘Building Resilience and Flow’ retreat.

In this edition of our newsletter, we delve into the transformative power of flow states as a bastion against PTSD and burnout.

Join us in exploring a recent feature on Resurface in Pop Sugar Magazine and tune into the First Human podcast for an inspiring interview with Josh.

Plus, stay tuned for the exciting lineup of our upcoming Resurface retreats – your next step towards healing could be just a page turn away.

Unlocking the Power of Flow: A Shield Against PTSD and Burnout

In the relentless pace of modern life, mental health challenges like PTSD and burnout have become widespread.

However, a potent ally lies within the depths of our psychology – the state of flow.

Coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is a state of complete absorption in an activity, where time seems to stand still, and performance peaks.

It's not just a fleeting moment of joy; flow is a profound experience that fortifies our mental resilience.

Recent studies suggest that flow can act as a protective barrier against the development of PTSD and burnout.

When in flow, our brain chemistry alters, blocking the pathways that would typically lead to long-term fear memories.

This means that even in traumatic situations, if one enters a flow state, the likelihood of developing PTSD is significantly reduced.

Imagine two scenarios:

In the first, a motorcyclist skillfully navigates a sudden obstacle on the freeway, entering a state of flow characterized by intense focus, unity of action and awareness, altered time perception, reduced self-consciousness, heightened control, and a boost in positive emotions.

In the second, the rider, overwhelmed, manages to evade the obstacle but experiences traumatic stress, potentially leading to the onset of PTSD.

These scenarios were inspired by “The First Few Seconds of Flow,” a study by The Flow Research Collective, which suggests that flow can prevent traumatic stress from becoming enduring trauma by altering brain chemistry and blocking long-term fear memories.

Furthermore, flow has been found to have a negative correlation with burnout.

Employees who frequently experience flow at work report higher job satisfaction, reduced stress, and a stronger sense of accomplishment, while those who don't are more prone to burnout symptoms like self-doubt, emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced personal accomplishment.

The cost of PTSD and burnout is staggering, with estimates reaching over a trillion dollars annually.

Yet, flow proneness is a trainable skill.

Programmes focused on cultivating flow have shown promising results, with participants experiencing more flow, improved mental health, and a significant decrease in stress and anxiety.

The implications are far-reaching.

In a world where mental health issues are a growing concern, promoting flow experiences could be a game-changer.

It's not just about preventing mental health conditions; it's about fostering an environment where individuals can thrive.

Are you ready to harness the power of flow in your life?

Explore our surf-therapy retreats and learn how to find your flow and protect your mental well-being. Embrace the wave of resilience today.

Upcoming Events

Trauma Resolution Retreat - Morocco - September 7th to 14th

Building Resilience Retreat - Morocco - October 19th to 26th

Trauma Resolution Retreat - Morocco - November 16th to 23rd

EMDR Intensives are available on request - please contact for more information. These are bespoke programmes and usually take place in Morocco and the US.

You can find out more about our retreats and book your spot on our website.

Keep riding the waves, The Resurface Team 🏄‍♂️